No Business Idea? SEED Announces Application to its Replicator Program in Uganda

On the 11th of May 2017, SEED through it's website announced a call for applications to its SAG-SEED Replicator programme.

The SAG-SEED Replicator brings successful eco-inclusive business models that provide proven solutions to sustainability challenges to various geographic locations. The programme supports the uptake and adaptation of proven business models to different markets in order to multiply positive sustainability impacts.

Are you struggling to come up with a business idea that can actually work? Then this is for you! The programme offers you an opportunity to replicate a tested and proven business model to set up your own eco-inclusive enterprise through a one day workshop.

It supports future entrepreneurs by replicating proven eco-inclusive business models from around the world. Based on the SAG-SEED Replicator Workbooks, the Replicator Connect Workshops offer hands-on support to take the first steps towards the development of an individual business idea and a unique opportunity to gain insight into eco-inclusive business models around the world.

Workshop participants are provided with a variety of business options in order to set up their own eco-inclusive enterprise in a chosen sector. The programme is conducted by SEED and SWITCH-Africa Green and the Connect Workshops will be held in Uganda, Kenya, Ghana and South Africa. 

In Uganda, the workshops will take place from 22 June to 23 June in Kampala. On the 22 June, the workshop shall be about waste to industrial resources or plastic upcycling while as the one on the 23 June will be about waste to biogas or agricultural product processing. Each date is a separate workshop. Participants may choose one of the two topics in each workshop. Applications to the programe will close on 13 June 2017.

Similarly, for those with business ideas and looking for support, SEED launched the SAG-SEED Starter programme on the same day.

The SAG-SEED Starter promotes the incubation of new eco-enterprises. Setting up a business is both an exciting and challenging task: Turning an idea into a product or service customers actually want to buy, requires not only a deep-dive into the market, but also business skills and bringing together the right team and partners.

Considering all aspect can be challenging, therefore, SEED supports young teams of entrepreneurs with innovative ideas through the SAG-SEED Starter Months. The programme is also available in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Uganda.


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